Saturday, January 15, 2011

Catch Up Commencing

Ok, I'm going to be straight up here. I haven't been on blogger in quite sometime...due to forgetting my username and password. No matter though, because I have triumphantly figured them out! That, and I've been busy. In any case, I'm going to be playing a bit of catch up, and featuring some highlights of toys and perhaps some art made in the recent past (maybe some that are not so recent as well). I'll be starting with the oldest and ending with the newest. Hope you enjoy!

I'll start now with my book that you can find on called Creevils!: From A to Zed
This is an ABC book featuring some of my little monsters called Creevils (which stands for cute, round, and somewhat evil (or often mistaken as evil-whichever you like). This book is sort of where the idea of Creevils really started to take off, along with a couple of stuffed animals I had started making at the time-namely Victor and Pascal, which I will also feature in this post. these guys are from the 2007-2008 era.

Book cover
Inside of book

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